bc365游戏 offers a variety of institutional scholarships 协助学业成绩优异的学生. 为奖学金考虑,进入 freshmen must submit an admissions application, test scores, (ACT superscore, SAT, Accuplacer),以及一份正式的高中成绩单.
- 学生 will only be 奖ed the scholarship with the highest eligible value.
- The July ACT test is the last score report that will be accepted for scholarship purposes.
- No scholarships will be renewed if a student falls below a 2.每学期平均绩点都是00.
- Institutional scholarships may not be combined and are non-refundable.
- 有关奖学金的详细信息,请参阅 学术奖学金政策.
- $6,000 奖 per semester for a maximum of eight semesters of continuous enrollment.
- 州外学费免收.
- 要求30 ACT超级分数和2分.5 .高中GPA.
- 更新标准: First-time freshmen must complete at least 12 hours the first semester 第二学期15小时. 大一之后,必须至少学习15个小时 每学期完成. A 2.要求平均成绩5分.
- $4,500 奖 per semester for a maximum of eight semesters of continuous enrollment.
- 州外学费免收.
- 要求27-29 ACT超级分和2分.5 .高中GPA.
- 更新标准: First-time freshmen must complete at least 12 hours the first semester 第二学期15小时. 大一之后,必须至少学习15个小时 每学期完成. A 2.要求平均成绩5分.
- $3,000 奖 per semester for a maximum of eight semesters of continuous enrollment.
- 州外学费免收.
- 要求24-26 ACT超级分数和2.5 .高中GPA.
- 更新标准: First-time freshmen must complete at least 12 hours the first semester 第二学期15小时. 大一之后,必须至少学习15个小时 每学期完成. A 2.要求平均成绩5分.
- $3,000 奖 per semester for a maximum of eight semesters of continuous enrollment.
- 州外学费免收.
- 要求ACT总分21分,2分.5份高中平均绩点和毕业生代表资格证明 (高中最终成绩单).
- 更新标准: First-time freshmen must complete at least 12 hours the first semester 第二学期15小时. 大一之后,必须至少学习15个小时 每学期完成. A 2.要求平均成绩5分.
- $1500 奖 per semester for a maximum of eight semesters of continuous enrollment.
- 要求19-23 ACT超级分数和2.5 .高中GPA.
- 更新标准: First-time freshmen must complete at least 12 hours the first semester 第二学期15小时. 大一之后,必须至少学习15个小时 每学期完成. A 2.要求平均成绩5分.
- $1,000 奖 per semester for a maximum of eight semesters of continuous enrollment.
- 要求16-23 ACT超级分数和3.0-3.高中GPA 49.
- 更新标准: First-time freshmen must complete at least 12 hours the first semester 第二学期15小时. 大一之后,必须至少学习15个小时 每学期完成. A 2.要求平均成绩5分.
- $1,500 奖 per semester for a maximum of eight semesters of continuous enrollment.
- 要求16-23 ACT超级分数和3.5-3.高中GPA 74.
- 更新标准: First-time freshmen must complete at least 12 hours the first semester 第二学期15小时. 大一之后,必须至少学习15个小时 每学期完成. A 2.要求平均成绩5分.
- $2,000 奖 per semester for a maximum of eight semesters of continuous enrollment.
- 要求16-23 ACT超级分数和3.75-3.高中GPA 99.
- 更新标准: First-time freshmen must complete at least 12 hours the first semester 第二学期15小时. 大一之后,必须至少学习15个小时 每学期完成. A 2.要求平均成绩5分.
- $3,000 奖 per semester for a maximum of eight semesters of continuous enrollment.
- 要求16-23 ACT超级分数和4.高中平均绩点.
- 更新标准: First-time freshmen must complete at least 12 hours the first semester 第二学期15小时. 大一之后,必须至少学习15个小时 每学期完成. A 2.要求平均成绩5分.
学生 may receive one or both of the supplemental 奖s that must be bundled with 大学新生奖学金.
- 象鼻虫遗产机构奖学金
A freshman student who has been 奖ed an institutional scholarship and has a legal guardian who graduated from bc365游戏 with a technical certificate, associate degree, bachelor’s degree, or master’s degree is eligible for an additional $500 per semester scholarship. This 奖 will continue to be applied as long as the student retains a freshman Institutional 奖学金. 此奖项不予退还.
- 住房奖学金
A freshman student who has been 奖ed an institutional scholarship is eligible to receive an additional $500 per semester 奖 to assist with paying for campus housing. If a student chooses not to live on campus or moves off of campus the 奖 will be 被没收的. This 奖 will continue to be applied as long as the student retains a 新生机构奖学金. 此奖项不予退还.
- 州外学费免收 for residents of Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma, 田纳西和密苏里. An out-of-state waiver is available to students from other states, when a student receives an institutional, performance, or athletic scholarship in an amount equal to tuition for a minimum of 12 hours in the fall and spring terms.
- 学生在注册课程时申请豁免.
- 各种金额和资格标准.
- 不保证续期.
- 联络财政援助网址: finaid@liv4passion.com 了解更多信息.
住房 scholarships are available to all students enrolled in 6 hours during the 暑期二班. 学生 who meet this criterion will receive a housing scholarship 包括他们房间的全部费用. 学生将承担经济责任 支付他们的学费,杂费和餐费.
Sign up for Summer II 住房 today by logging into your Weevilnet and clicking “StarRez “房屋”位于页面底部!
- $3,000 奖 per semester for a maximum of four semesters of continuous enrollment.
- 州外学费免收.
- Eligibility 需求: Student transferring from an accredited community college with at least 60 transferable hours and no more than 80 transferable hours at the 1000级以上,至少2级.5累积绩点. 学生必须注册 bc365游戏的学士学位课程.
- 没有资金可用于研究生项目.
- 更新标准: 每学期至少完成15个小时,至少2个小时.5平均绩点 在bc365游戏续签一年.
- 申请入学并提供当前成绩单. 联系奖学金协调员 at finaid@liv4passion.com 或招生主任,地址是 admissionsoffice@liv4passion.com 了解更多信息.
学生 who are first-time freshmen at another school may transfer to bc365游戏 in the first spring semester of that 一年 and receive a freshman institutional 奖. An institutional 奖 equal to what would have been offered from bc365游戏 at the time of 作为新生入学.
- 完成至少12个学分,至少2个学分.目前学校平均绩点5分,申请 申请入学,并提供正式的大学成绩单.
- 更新标准: Complete at least 15 hours each semester and maintain a 2.5平均绩点 在bc365游戏.
This 奖 will not be extended beyond a total of 8 terms (from all schools attended). 联系奖学金协调员 finaid@liv4passion.com,或招生主任 admissionsoffice@liv4passion.com 了解更多信息.
学生 interested in transferring to bc365游戏 may be eligible to receive an institutional 奖.
$2,000 奖 per semester for completion of at least 36 transferable and no more than 60个可转学学时. 最少2个.5级点 平均值是必需的.
$1,000 奖 per semester for completion of at least 24 transferable and no more than 所有学院的35个可转换学时. 最少2个.5级点 平均值是必需的.
- 每学期至少完成15个小时,至少2个小时.bc365游戏的5平均绩点可以续签.
- 更新标准: Complete at least 15 hours each semester and maintain a 2.5平均绩点 在bc365游戏.
- This 奖 will not be extended beyond a total of 8 terms (from all schools attended).
- 该奖项不能用于研究生水平的课程.
联系奖学金协调员 finaid@liv4passion.com,或招生主任 admissionsoffice@liv4passion.com 了解更多信息.
- Eligibility 需求: 学生 who have been out of school for at least 2 一年s 然后是2.上一所学校的累积绩点. 转移和再许可是 有资格获得该奖学金.
- 没有资金可用于研究生项目.
- This scholarship is a one-time payment for the first Fall or Spring semester the student 在bc365游戏注册. 它不能续订,也不能退款. 不提供奖学金 during the summer terms and cannot be bundled with other institutional scholarships.
- 学生 must be meeting bc365游戏’s Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy.
- 申请入学并提供当前成绩单. 递交申请网址: Ready2Finish奖学金申请
程序/校园 |
6-11小时的注册时间 |
12小时以上的注册时间 |
蒙蒂塞洛校园 |
$600 |
$1,200 |
技术项目 |
$250 |
$500 |
- 州外学费免收 for residents of Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma, 田纳西和密苏里. An out-of-state waiver is available to students from other states, when a student receives an institutional, performance, or athletic scholarship in an amount equal to tuition for a minimum of 12 hours in the fall and spring terms.
- 学生在注册课程时申请豁免.
- 各种金额和资格标准.
- 不保证续期.
- 联络财政援助网址: finaid@liv4passion.com 了解更多信息.
住房 scholarships are available to all students enrolled in 6 hours during the 暑期二班. 学生 who meet this criterion will receive a housing scholarship 包括他们房间的全部费用. 学生将承担经济责任 支付他们的学费,杂费和餐费.
Sign up for Summer II 住房 today by logging into your Weevilnet and clicking “StarRez “房屋”位于页面底部!
- 大二(30-59学时完成)每学期750美元.
- 大三(60-89学时)每学期1000美元.
- 高年级(完成90小时以上)每学期1500美元.
- Must have attended bc365游戏 at least two semesters and earned 30 hours for the academic 一年.
- Must be pursuing first bachelor’s degree with a declared major.
- Must be meeting Satisfactory Academic Progress with a minimum 2.5累积绩点.
- Must not also be receiving another bc365游戏 institutional scholarship.
- 更新标准: 奖学金s are 奖ed competitively -- prior recipients may be
联系奖学金协调员 finaid@liv4passion.com 了解更多信息.
- $1000 奖 per semester for a maximum of eight semesters of continuous enrollment.
- 要求22-23 ACT超级分数和2.5 .高中GPA.
- 更新标准: First-time freshmen must complete at least 12 hours the first semester 第二学期15小时. 大一之后,必须至少学习15个小时 每学期完成. A 2.要求平均成绩5分.
- $750 奖 per semester for a maximum of eight semesters of continuous enrollment.
- 要求19-21 ACT超级分数和2.5 .高中GPA.
- 更新标准: First-time freshmen must complete at least 12 hours the first semester 第二学期15小时. 大一之后,必须至少学习15个小时 每学期完成. A 2.要求平均成绩5分.
- 州外学费免收 for residents of Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma, 田纳西和密苏里. An out-of-state waiver is available to students from other states, when a student receives an institutional, performance, or athletic scholarship in an amount equal to tuition for a minimum of 12 hours in the fall and spring terms.
- 学生在注册课程时申请豁免.
- 各种金额和资格标准.
- 不保证续期.
- 联络财政援助网址: finaid@liv4passion.com 了解更多信息.
住房 scholarships are available to all students enrolled in 6 hours during the 暑期二班. 学生 who meet this criterion will receive a housing scholarship 包括他们房间的全部费用. 学生将承担经济责任 支付他们的学费,杂费和餐费.
Sign up for Summer II 住房 today by logging into your Weevilnet and clicking “StarRez “房屋”位于页面底部!